About our dental clinic
Our Mission
Healing: We provide essential dental care for uninsured and low-income adults, who have no access to insurance and lack the means to obtain such. Our licensed dental professionals provide treatment to heal those who are most in need, restoring their overall health and well-being, as well as their hope and dignity.
Our Vision
Our vision is to build a dental care clinic modeled after the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Phoenix Diocesan Charity Dental Clinic in Phoenix, AZ. We dedicate our resources to providing oral care to underserved populations living in the Quad Cities area, by working closely with and through the four St. Vincent de Paul District 10 Conferences, located in Chino Valley, Mayer, Prescott and Prescott Valley.
Our Values
We believe that providing dental care to the underserved will help them to live a life of dignity, which includes the following:
Participating to a fuller extent in society.
Providing a basic right to life.
Prioritizing the needs of the poor and vulnerable.
Promoting the dignity of work.
Developing a more just and peaceful world.