The community dental clinic of
st. vincent de paul
Providing dental care in Prescott, Arizona to patients of Yavapai County
To book an appointment contact your home area:
SVdP Prescott--------------928-778-4585
SVdP Prescott Valley---928-899-8889
SVdP Chino Valley---------928-899-2030
SVdP Mayer---------------928-632-7722
Healing: We provide essential dental care for uninsured and low-income adults, who lack the means to obtain such. Our licensed dental professionals provide treatment to heal those who are in most need, restoring their overall health and well-being....
New Patients
Our dental clinic reserves treatment for adults without access to, or insurance for, dental care who lack the resources to obtain such. Services include extractions, dentures, fillings, cleanings, denture repair, and general pain relief.
To be considered as a patient, please contact the St. Vincent de Paul Society location according to where you reside in Yavapai County.