Looking forward to a happy, productive year of providing dental care for those who are most in need.
The idea of having a dental clinic in Prescott to meet the needs of the underserved has been a topic of infrequent discussions for years. The idea began to have fruition approximately one year ago, in late November of 2022, when Sacred Heart Conference President, Rod Determan, began to meet with a volunteer dentist and the Parish Manager of Sacred Heart Parish in Prescott. By January of 2023, a small committee of professionals began to develop the idea further. In late April a committee was formed that soon grew to 20 members, comprised of conference presidents and other members of SVdP District 10, dentists, and members of Phoenix Diocesan Council. In May, an early draft business/operation was in place. After many meetings the business plan was approved by the Diocesan Council in August of 2023. The rest, as they say, is history—in the making. The St. Vincent De Paul District 10 Community Dental Clinic is set to open its doors on January 19, 2024. We have a board of directors and a nascent but growing staff of volunteers. We give thanks to God for this miracle and we thank all of our supporters and volunteers.
